2024 Solar Eclipse

The development of the Southern Baptist Emergency Amateur Radio Service (SouthBEARS) is a result of a cooperative effort of Southern Baptist Amateur radio operators.
The mission of SouthBEARS is to provide a network of support communication services to Southern Baptist volunteer groups and affiliated agencies during commercial communication disruptions; and to handle health and welfare messages in and out of disaster areas whenever time and priorities allow. This is accomplished using the resources and talents of Christian amateur radio operators. Since disaster relief is a fluid situation, we also strive to stay fluid, and attempt to meet the needs of every disaster victim through the medium of communication. We do these things for the glory of Christ's Kingdom.
Regardless of the situation or circumstance, we strive to exhibit an attitude that is as Christ-like as humanly possible to every contact, be it peer or disaster victim. We will consistently strive to labor for Jesus under the Bible verse, "..whatsoever you did for the least of these brothers of mine, you did it for me."  Matthew 25:40 NIV
In times past, the Salvation Army Team Emergency Radio Network (SATERN) have encouraged SouthBEARS to check into their nets whenever possible and when doing so, to identify ourselves as SouthBEARS members. This provides us with yet another resource, with which to accomplish our mission and goals, by utilizing existing nets managed by fellow believers.
If you are interested in becoming part of SouthBEARS, please contact the Webmaster for more information
The development of the Southern Baptist Emergency Amateur Radio Service (SouthBEARS) is a result of a cooperative effort of Southern Baptist Amateur radio operators.
The mission of SouthBEARS is to provide a network of support communication services to Southern Baptist volunteer groups and affiliated agencies during commercial communication disruptions; and to handle health and welfare messages in and out of disaster areas whenever time and priorities allow. This is accomplished using the resources and talents of Christian amateur radio operators. Since disaster relief is a fluid situation, we also strive to stay fluid, and attempt to meet the needs of every disaster victim through the medium of communication. We do these things for the glory of Christ's Kingdom.
Regardless of the situation or circumstance, we strive to exhibit an attitude that is as Christ-like as humanly possible to every contact, be it peer or disaster victim. We will consistently strive to labor for Jesus under the Bible verse, "..whatsoever you did for the least of these brothers of mine, you did it for me."  Matthew 25:40 NIV
In times past, the Salvation Army Team Emergency Radio Network (SATERN) have encouraged SouthBEARS to check into their nets whenever possible and when doing so, to identify ourselves as SouthBEARS members. This provides us with yet another resource, with which to accomplish our mission and goals, by utilizing existing nets managed by fellow believers.
If you are interested in becoming part of SouthBEARS, please contact the Webmaster for more information
The development of the Southern Baptist Emergency Amateur Radio Service (SouthBEARS) is a result of a cooperative effort of Southern Baptist Amateur radio operators.
The mission of SouthBEARS is to provide a network of support communication services to Southern Baptist volunteer groups and affiliated agencies during commercial communication disruptions; and to handle health and welfare messages in and out of disaster areas whenever time and priorities allow. This is accomplished using the resources and talents of Christian amateur radio operators. Since disaster relief is a fluid situation, we also strive to stay fluid, and attempt to meet the needs of every disaster victim through the medium of communication. We do these things for the glory of Christ's Kingdom.
Regardless of the situation or circumstance, we strive to exhibit an attitude that is as Christ-like as humanly possible to every contact, be it peer or disaster victim. We will consistently strive to labor for Jesus under the Bible verse, "..whatsoever you did for the least of these brothers of mine, you did it for me."  Matthew 25:40 NIV
In times past, the Salvation Army Team Emergency Radio Network (SATERN) have encouraged SouthBEARS to check into their nets whenever possible and when doing so, to identify ourselves as SouthBEARS members. This provides us with yet another resource, with which to accomplish our mission and goals, by utilizing existing nets managed by fellow believers.
If you are interested in becoming part of SouthBEARS, please contact the Webmaster for more information
On April 8, 2024, a total or near total solar eclipse will be observable in parts of 12 states and at least 5 provinces of Canada.  

We're in a unique position in Arkansas, as the path of the totality or near-totality covers much of the state.  With a population of about 3 million people, we're preparing for the arrival of another 1 million tourists.  This will have an impact on our cell phone network, increase traffic congestion, and seriously limit the availability of gasoline.  We expect that tourists will begin to arrive up to four days before the event, and that leaving the state will take another 2-3 days.

Cell phone networks are expected to become largely inaccessible due to the increase in demand.  The Arkansas Department of Transportation reportedly will be placing portable toilets at regular intervals along our major interstate highways.  The Arkansas Department of Emergency Management has already begun planning and holding drills around the event.  Their communications plans include the use of Winlink and HF voice to help communications efforts.  Other states are undoubtedly preparing as well.

The Arkansas Department of Emergency Management has decided to use 7.260 MHz as one of their primary HF frequencies.  Since the event is on a Monday, this will not interrupt our Sunday net, but will tie up the frequency (at least regionally) for the day.  However, it may not be feasible or best practice to hold a SouthBEARS net in support of the event.  A better course would be for our members to participate in existing nets (SATERN, for example) or to participate in local communications efforts to offer general support, unless and until SBDR units are actually deployed.

Here's a good chance to be useful, even if it's just to stand by in case we're needed!  (I plan to gas up the vehicles early and stay home!)

Please remember that suggestions from SouthBEARS are not intended to dictate your state/association's communications plan, or to override instructions given by your DR Director or Communications Coordinator.

The eclipse map to the right clickable, and is copied from the Poplar Bluff, Missouri Chamber of Commerce.
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