Jump Kit Suggestions (May be obsolete!)

The development of the Southern Baptist Emergency Amateur Radio Service (SouthBEARS) is a result of a cooperative effort of Southern Baptist Amateur radio operators.
The mission of SouthBEARS is to provide a network of support communication services to Southern Baptist volunteer groups and affiliated agencies during commercial communication disruptions; and to handle health and welfare messages in and out of disaster areas whenever time and priorities allow. This is accomplished using the resources and talents of Christian amateur radio operators. Since disaster relief is a fluid situation, we also strive to stay fluid, and attempt to meet the needs of every disaster victim through the medium of communication. We do these things for the glory of Christ's Kingdom.
Regardless of the situation or circumstance, we strive to exhibit an attitude that is as Christ-like as humanly possible to every contact, be it peer or disaster victim. We will consistently strive to labor for Jesus under the Bible verse, "..whatsoever you did for the least of these brothers of mine, you did it for me."  Matthew 25:40 NIV
In times past, the Salvation Army Team Emergency Radio Network (SATERN) have encouraged SouthBEARS to check into their nets whenever possible and when doing so, to identify ourselves as SouthBEARS members. This provides us with yet another resource, with which to accomplish our mission and goals, by utilizing existing nets managed by fellow believers.
If you are interested in becoming part of SouthBEARS, please contact the Webmaster for more information
The development of the Southern Baptist Emergency Amateur Radio Service (SouthBEARS) is a result of a cooperative effort of Southern Baptist Amateur radio operators.
The mission of SouthBEARS is to provide a network of support communication services to Southern Baptist volunteer groups and affiliated agencies during commercial communication disruptions; and to handle health and welfare messages in and out of disaster areas whenever time and priorities allow. This is accomplished using the resources and talents of Christian amateur radio operators. Since disaster relief is a fluid situation, we also strive to stay fluid, and attempt to meet the needs of every disaster victim through the medium of communication. We do these things for the glory of Christ's Kingdom.
Regardless of the situation or circumstance, we strive to exhibit an attitude that is as Christ-like as humanly possible to every contact, be it peer or disaster victim. We will consistently strive to labor for Jesus under the Bible verse, "..whatsoever you did for the least of these brothers of mine, you did it for me."  Matthew 25:40 NIV
In times past, the Salvation Army Team Emergency Radio Network (SATERN) have encouraged SouthBEARS to check into their nets whenever possible and when doing so, to identify ourselves as SouthBEARS members. This provides us with yet another resource, with which to accomplish our mission and goals, by utilizing existing nets managed by fellow believers.
If you are interested in becoming part of SouthBEARS, please contact the Webmaster for more information
The development of the Southern Baptist Emergency Amateur Radio Service (SouthBEARS) is a result of a cooperative effort of Southern Baptist Amateur radio operators.
The mission of SouthBEARS is to provide a network of support communication services to Southern Baptist volunteer groups and affiliated agencies during commercial communication disruptions; and to handle health and welfare messages in and out of disaster areas whenever time and priorities allow. This is accomplished using the resources and talents of Christian amateur radio operators. Since disaster relief is a fluid situation, we also strive to stay fluid, and attempt to meet the needs of every disaster victim through the medium of communication. We do these things for the glory of Christ's Kingdom.
Regardless of the situation or circumstance, we strive to exhibit an attitude that is as Christ-like as humanly possible to every contact, be it peer or disaster victim. We will consistently strive to labor for Jesus under the Bible verse, "..whatsoever you did for the least of these brothers of mine, you did it for me."  Matthew 25:40 NIV
In times past, the Salvation Army Team Emergency Radio Network (SATERN) have encouraged SouthBEARS to check into their nets whenever possible and when doing so, to identify ourselves as SouthBEARS members. This provides us with yet another resource, with which to accomplish our mission and goals, by utilizing existing nets managed by fellow believers.
If you are interested in becoming part of SouthBEARS, please contact the Webmaster for more information

We've put together a list of things to include in your "jump kit". Of course you can customize the contents to suit your own needs and requirements. The list is by no means all inclusive so you should give plenty of thought to putting the kit together. Much of what you pack will depend on how long you anticipate being in the field. The below items will give you a good start.


Remember: it's far better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it!


The Radio Bag

Small Hard Shell Cases are often used to house radios.

* At least one dual band HT with a car charger

   (dry cell batteries can also be used with proper dry cell pack)

* CW key or keyer

* A headset with mic and/or headphones

* Copy of you radio owner manuals

* Dual band VHF/UHF portable rig

* Portable HF rig and tuner

* Compass for help with antenna orientation

* A true NVIS antenna

* Multi Band HF antenna such as G5RV

* Antenna rope

* Coaxial feed lines, Jumpers

* Battery source with charger for your radios

* Mag Mount Antennas (include a metal pizza pan to mount the antenna anywhere)

* Assorted connector (BNC, SO239, PL259, SMA) adaptors to connect your mag mount.

* Small tool kit.


The Personal Bag

The area you are going into will likely be without power, heat, telephone service and water. Most businesses will not be open due to the emergency. So pack up and be READY!

* Bible, witnessing material

* Your Disaster Relief ID and your Drivers License

* Repeater Directory

* Street Maps

* Cell Phone with extra batteries and charger (A telephone calling card would be good)

* All Prescribed Medications

* Over-the-counter pain relievers; aspirin, Tylenol, Advil, allergy, antacids

* Insect repellant

* Chapstick

* Sunscreen

* Earplugs

* Matches or lighter

* CASH- If power is indeed out, ATM machines may not work

* Bottled Water (fill large water containers before you head out)

* Back Pack or Fanny Pack

* High Energy Snacks

* A battery powered light that is designed to mount on your cap. (extra batteries)

* A good flashlight (such as MAG-LITE) with extra batteries

* Clipboard

* Pens and pencils (bring plenty of extras, they tend to grow legs and walk away)

* A good Multi-Tool such as Leatherman, Gerber, etc.

* Any special tools you radio uses such as small screwdrivers etc.

* An orange day-glow vest

* Battery powered AM/FM radio (extra batteries)

* A Hardhat (This may be required at your site)

* Automotive Jumper Cables

* A good first aid kit

* Wet Wipes and anti-bacterial wipes

* Small towels/rags

* Folding type lawn chair

* An umbrella and/or rain suite

* Good leather work gloves

* Toilet paper

* Change of clothing including extra socks (try to anticipate how long you will be in the field)

* Jacket

* Work boots for outdoor work, comfortable shoes for indoor work

* Baseball type cap

* Personal items such as shave cream, soap, toothbrush and paste, shampoo, eyeglasses

* Bath cloth/towels

* Cot, air mattress or hammock

* Blanket(s)

* Sleeping bag

* Pillow

* A Coleman type propane camp lantern with extra mantles

* Propane canisters for the lantern

* Wind up alarm clock

* 50-ft extension cord

* Multi-outlet power strip

* Cooking gear and eating utensils (if needed)


NOTE: Dried foods are easy to prepare, do not require refrigeration and will store for long periods. MRE's are an excellent recommendation and inexpensive.



Amateur Radio Operators are masters of IMPROVISATION. Be sure to have things such as insulators, wire, small parts and of course, duct tape - DON'T LEAVE HOME WITHOUT IT!

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