Membership in SouthBEARS

The development of the Southern Baptist Emergency Amateur Radio Service (SouthBEARS) is a result of a cooperative effort of Southern Baptist Amateur radio operators.
The mission of SouthBEARS is to provide a network of support communication services to Southern Baptist volunteer groups and affiliated agencies during commercial communication disruptions; and to handle health and welfare messages in and out of disaster areas whenever time and priorities allow. This is accomplished using the resources and talents of Christian amateur radio operators. Since disaster relief is a fluid situation, we also strive to stay fluid, and attempt to meet the needs of every disaster victim through the medium of communication. We do these things for the glory of Christ's Kingdom.
Regardless of the situation or circumstance, we strive to exhibit an attitude that is as Christ-like as humanly possible to every contact, be it peer or disaster victim. We will consistently strive to labor for Jesus under the Bible verse, "..whatsoever you did for the least of these brothers of mine, you did it for me."  Matthew 25:40 NIV
In times past, the Salvation Army Team Emergency Radio Network (SATERN) have encouraged SouthBEARS to check into their nets whenever possible and when doing so, to identify ourselves as SouthBEARS members. This provides us with yet another resource, with which to accomplish our mission and goals, by utilizing existing nets managed by fellow believers.
If you are interested in becoming part of SouthBEARS, please contact the Webmaster for more information
The development of the Southern Baptist Emergency Amateur Radio Service (SouthBEARS) is a result of a cooperative effort of Southern Baptist Amateur radio operators.
The mission of SouthBEARS is to provide a network of support communication services to Southern Baptist volunteer groups and affiliated agencies during commercial communication disruptions; and to handle health and welfare messages in and out of disaster areas whenever time and priorities allow. This is accomplished using the resources and talents of Christian amateur radio operators. Since disaster relief is a fluid situation, we also strive to stay fluid, and attempt to meet the needs of every disaster victim through the medium of communication. We do these things for the glory of Christ's Kingdom.
Regardless of the situation or circumstance, we strive to exhibit an attitude that is as Christ-like as humanly possible to every contact, be it peer or disaster victim. We will consistently strive to labor for Jesus under the Bible verse, "..whatsoever you did for the least of these brothers of mine, you did it for me."  Matthew 25:40 NIV
In times past, the Salvation Army Team Emergency Radio Network (SATERN) have encouraged SouthBEARS to check into their nets whenever possible and when doing so, to identify ourselves as SouthBEARS members. This provides us with yet another resource, with which to accomplish our mission and goals, by utilizing existing nets managed by fellow believers.
If you are interested in becoming part of SouthBEARS, please contact the Webmaster for more information
The development of the Southern Baptist Emergency Amateur Radio Service (SouthBEARS) is a result of a cooperative effort of Southern Baptist Amateur radio operators.
The mission of SouthBEARS is to provide a network of support communication services to Southern Baptist volunteer groups and affiliated agencies during commercial communication disruptions; and to handle health and welfare messages in and out of disaster areas whenever time and priorities allow. This is accomplished using the resources and talents of Christian amateur radio operators. Since disaster relief is a fluid situation, we also strive to stay fluid, and attempt to meet the needs of every disaster victim through the medium of communication. We do these things for the glory of Christ's Kingdom.
Regardless of the situation or circumstance, we strive to exhibit an attitude that is as Christ-like as humanly possible to every contact, be it peer or disaster victim. We will consistently strive to labor for Jesus under the Bible verse, "..whatsoever you did for the least of these brothers of mine, you did it for me."  Matthew 25:40 NIV
In times past, the Salvation Army Team Emergency Radio Network (SATERN) have encouraged SouthBEARS to check into their nets whenever possible and when doing so, to identify ourselves as SouthBEARS members. This provides us with yet another resource, with which to accomplish our mission and goals, by utilizing existing nets managed by fellow believers.
If you are interested in becoming part of SouthBEARS, please contact the Webmaster for more information

Participating in SouthBEARS

We are often asked "what can I do to become a member of SouthBEARS?"  Well, the answer to that is pretty simple.  SouthBEARS is a service we participate in, rather than a club to join.  The organization is very informal.  We don't have a roster, or membership requirements.  To "join" SouthBEARS, just check into the net whenever you can!  Then be prepared to support Southern Baptist Disaster Relief units that are deployed however you can.  Sometimes that means traveling as part of your state/regional association's communications unit.  Most of the time it means monitoring the prescribed frequency or frequencies and passing traffic.

Membership in Southern Baptist Disaster Relief

It is not necessary to be a member of SBDR to participate in SouthBEARS; however, many people want to be more involved.  A logical next step would be to join SBDR.  Like most Southern Baptist entities, SBDR is largely governed at the level of your state/regional association.  In most associations, training events will be held in various locations in your state/region during each year.  Minimum requirements to join SBDR typically involve a background check (we are working with vulnerable people), some training on your association's DR efforts, and issuance of formal credentials.  Unlike SouthBEARS, membership in SBDR is typically limited to members in good standing of Southern Baptist churches.  Some associations extend eligibility to people of like faith.

To learn more about joining SBDR, please look under the Links tab and select Southern Baptist Disaster Relief.  You might also ask around your church - often someone in your church is involved with SBDR and would be glad to help you sign up.  If neither of those give you enough information, please leave us a message on the Contact page and we'll try to get you in touch with SBDR leadership in your association.

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