The development of the Southern Baptist Emergency Amateur Radio Service (SouthBEARS) is a result of a cooperative effort of Southern Baptist Amateur radio operators.
The mission of SouthBEARS is to provide a network of support communication services to Southern Baptist volunteer groups and affiliated agencies during commercial communication disruptions; and to handle health and welfare messages in and out of disaster areas whenever time and priorities allow. This is accomplished using the resources and talents of Christian amateur radio operators. Since disaster relief is a fluid situation, we also strive to stay fluid, and attempt to meet the needs of every disaster victim through the medium of communication. We do these things for the glory of Christ's Kingdom.
Regardless of the situation or circumstance, we strive to exhibit an attitude that is as Christ-like as humanly possible to every contact, be it peer or disaster victim. We will consistently strive to labor for Jesus under the Bible verse, "..whatsoever you did for the least of these brothers of mine, you did it for me." Matthew 25:40 NIV
In times past, the Salvation Army Team Emergency Radio Network (SATERN) have encouraged SouthBEARS to check into their nets whenever possible and when doing so, to identify ourselves as SouthBEARS members. This provides us with yet another resource, with which to accomplish our mission and goals, by utilizing existing nets managed by fellow believers.
If you are interested in becoming part of SouthBEARS, please contact the Webmaster for more information
The development of the Southern Baptist Emergency Amateur Radio Service (SouthBEARS) is a result of a cooperative effort of Southern Baptist Amateur radio operators.
The mission of SouthBEARS is to provide a network of support communication services to Southern Baptist volunteer groups and affiliated agencies during commercial communication disruptions; and to handle health and welfare messages in and out of disaster areas whenever time and priorities allow. This is accomplished using the resources and talents of Christian amateur radio operators. Since disaster relief is a fluid situation, we also strive to stay fluid, and attempt to meet the needs of every disaster victim through the medium of communication. We do these things for the glory of Christ's Kingdom.
Regardless of the situation or circumstance, we strive to exhibit an attitude that is as Christ-like as humanly possible to every contact, be it peer or disaster victim. We will consistently strive to labor for Jesus under the Bible verse, "..whatsoever you did for the least of these brothers of mine, you did it for me." Matthew 25:40 NIV
In times past, the Salvation Army Team Emergency Radio Network (SATERN) have encouraged SouthBEARS to check into their nets whenever possible and when doing so, to identify ourselves as SouthBEARS members. This provides us with yet another resource, with which to accomplish our mission and goals, by utilizing existing nets managed by fellow believers.
If you are interested in becoming part of SouthBEARS, please contact the Webmaster for more information
The development of the Southern Baptist Emergency Amateur Radio Service (SouthBEARS) is a result of a cooperative effort of Southern Baptist Amateur radio operators.
The mission of SouthBEARS is to provide a network of support communication services to Southern Baptist volunteer groups and affiliated agencies during commercial communication disruptions; and to handle health and welfare messages in and out of disaster areas whenever time and priorities allow. This is accomplished using the resources and talents of Christian amateur radio operators. Since disaster relief is a fluid situation, we also strive to stay fluid, and attempt to meet the needs of every disaster victim through the medium of communication. We do these things for the glory of Christ's Kingdom.
Regardless of the situation or circumstance, we strive to exhibit an attitude that is as Christ-like as humanly possible to every contact, be it peer or disaster victim. We will consistently strive to labor for Jesus under the Bible verse, "..whatsoever you did for the least of these brothers of mine, you did it for me." Matthew 25:40 NIV
In times past, the Salvation Army Team Emergency Radio Network (SATERN) have encouraged SouthBEARS to check into their nets whenever possible and when doing so, to identify ourselves as SouthBEARS members. This provides us with yet another resource, with which to accomplish our mission and goals, by utilizing existing nets managed by fellow believers.
If you are interested in becoming part of SouthBEARS, please contact the Webmaster for more information
National: The SouthBEARS national phone net meets on Sunday afternoons at 16:00 Eastern time (15:00 Central, 14:00 Mountain, 13:00 Pacific) on 7.260 MHz, LSB. Over the past few years, stations have checked in from 35 states, 2 Canadian provinces, Costa Rica, and the island of Roatan, Honduras. Please join us!
Note: during deployments or non-routine events, the SouthBEARS net may operate on 7.261 MHz to minimize interference with other nets that operate on weekdays.
Mississippi: Mississippi Baptist DR Communications phone net meets on Sunday afternoons at 16:00 Central time (17:00 E, 15:00 M, 14:00 P) on 7.263 MHz, LSB. All licensed amateur radio operators are invited to participate, inside or outside of MS.
North Carolina: NC Baptists on Mission Communications phone net meets on Thursday evenings at 20:00 Eastern time (19:00 C, 18:00 M, 17:00 P) on 3.923 MHz, LSB. All licensed amateur radio operators are invited to participate, inside or outside of NC.
SATERN: The Salvation Army Team Emergency Radio Network (SATERN) holds an SSB phone net on the 1st and 3rd Saturdays of each month at 10:30 Eastern (09:30 C, 08:30 M, 07:30 P) on 7.268 MHz, LSB. Thanks to Bill, WB5ALM for this information. The Salvation Army is a partner with Southern Baptist Disaster Relief, and cross-communication is encouraged.
You may also log in to the Sunday National net via Winlink, either shortly before or during normal net hours by sending a Winlink message to KB8HZ. The "Winlink Wednesday" message format is a good one to use, and includes your call sign, name, current location (including county), and mode of transmission. For example:
KY0ARN, Bob, Oshkosh, Winnebago, Wisconsin (HF)
Please remember to keep your message brief, and please do NOT send any attachments. Data rates are approximately 300 baud, and large messages clog up the HF part of the system.
Also, please do NOT use Telnet to send the message, as this defeats the purpose of practicing sending messages by radio when the internet is out.
The Arkansas Baptist Disaster Relief Radio Club operates Winlink gateway AB1DR on 40M. Bret, N4BTA, near Alpharetta, GA, operates a Winlink gateway on 10M, and works closely with NAMB in emergency situations. Please remember that these may not be the best gateways for you to reach, and that any Winlink gateway may be used.
Digital Mobile Radio is a hybrid mode which links amateur radio through the internet, allowing for worldwide communications through your DMR radio (even an HT) via a hotspot or a DMR repeater, using talk groups.
North Carolina BDR operates talk group 3923 on the TGIF network.
Arkansas BDR operates talk groups 479 (TGIF) and 310239 (Brandmeister).