"National SOS Radio Network" - PRWEB, via QRZ.com

The development of the Southern Baptist Emergency Amateur Radio Service (SouthBEARS) is a result of a cooperative effort of Southern Baptist Amateur radio operators.
The mission of SouthBEARS is to provide a network of support communication services to Southern Baptist volunteer groups and affiliated agencies during commercial communication disruptions; and to handle health and welfare messages in and out of disaster areas whenever time and priorities allow. This is accomplished using the resources and talents of Christian amateur radio operators. Since disaster relief is a fluid situation, we also strive to stay fluid, and attempt to meet the needs of every disaster victim through the medium of communication. We do these things for the glory of Christ's Kingdom.
Regardless of the situation or circumstance, we strive to exhibit an attitude that is as Christ-like as humanly possible to every contact, be it peer or disaster victim. We will consistently strive to labor for Jesus under the Bible verse, "..whatsoever you did for the least of these brothers of mine, you did it for me."  Matthew 25:40 NIV
In times past, the Salvation Army Team Emergency Radio Network (SATERN) have encouraged SouthBEARS to check into their nets whenever possible and when doing so, to identify ourselves as SouthBEARS members. This provides us with yet another resource, with which to accomplish our mission and goals, by utilizing existing nets managed by fellow believers.
If you are interested in becoming part of SouthBEARS, please contact the Webmaster for more information
The development of the Southern Baptist Emergency Amateur Radio Service (SouthBEARS) is a result of a cooperative effort of Southern Baptist Amateur radio operators.
The mission of SouthBEARS is to provide a network of support communication services to Southern Baptist volunteer groups and affiliated agencies during commercial communication disruptions; and to handle health and welfare messages in and out of disaster areas whenever time and priorities allow. This is accomplished using the resources and talents of Christian amateur radio operators. Since disaster relief is a fluid situation, we also strive to stay fluid, and attempt to meet the needs of every disaster victim through the medium of communication. We do these things for the glory of Christ's Kingdom.
Regardless of the situation or circumstance, we strive to exhibit an attitude that is as Christ-like as humanly possible to every contact, be it peer or disaster victim. We will consistently strive to labor for Jesus under the Bible verse, "..whatsoever you did for the least of these brothers of mine, you did it for me."  Matthew 25:40 NIV
In times past, the Salvation Army Team Emergency Radio Network (SATERN) have encouraged SouthBEARS to check into their nets whenever possible and when doing so, to identify ourselves as SouthBEARS members. This provides us with yet another resource, with which to accomplish our mission and goals, by utilizing existing nets managed by fellow believers.
If you are interested in becoming part of SouthBEARS, please contact the Webmaster for more information
The development of the Southern Baptist Emergency Amateur Radio Service (SouthBEARS) is a result of a cooperative effort of Southern Baptist Amateur radio operators.
The mission of SouthBEARS is to provide a network of support communication services to Southern Baptist volunteer groups and affiliated agencies during commercial communication disruptions; and to handle health and welfare messages in and out of disaster areas whenever time and priorities allow. This is accomplished using the resources and talents of Christian amateur radio operators. Since disaster relief is a fluid situation, we also strive to stay fluid, and attempt to meet the needs of every disaster victim through the medium of communication. We do these things for the glory of Christ's Kingdom.
Regardless of the situation or circumstance, we strive to exhibit an attitude that is as Christ-like as humanly possible to every contact, be it peer or disaster victim. We will consistently strive to labor for Jesus under the Bible verse, "..whatsoever you did for the least of these brothers of mine, you did it for me."  Matthew 25:40 NIV
In times past, the Salvation Army Team Emergency Radio Network (SATERN) have encouraged SouthBEARS to check into their nets whenever possible and when doing so, to identify ourselves as SouthBEARS members. This provides us with yet another resource, with which to accomplish our mission and goals, by utilizing existing nets managed by fellow believers.
If you are interested in becoming part of SouthBEARS, please contact the Webmaster for more information

[Editor’s note: This article is included for discussion and information only. It was part of the old site. Frequency plans are in flux and are being updated. At this time, SBDR radio frequencies are being determined on a state-by-state (or event-to-event) basis. Check with your state’s Communications Coordinator or DR Director for the frequencies you should use.]

"National SOS Radio Network" ready to start, based on millions of FRS "Family Radio Service" radios already in use plus 675,000 ham radio operators across America.

National SOS Radio Network" provides instant, reliable, emergency communications for everyone. Designed to eliminate communication breakdown as occurred in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. Ready to go into operation immediately across America.

HARTFORD, CT (PRWEB) Oct 6, 2005

In the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, it's become clear that a major contributing factor to the tragic loss of life was the near total breakdown of communication systems. Once electricity, telephone, and cell phone services failed, people were unable to let rescuers know of their dire situations -- and died as a result.

What could be a simple, instant, and virtually zero-cost solution?

"Establish a National SOS Radio Network (www.NationalSOS.com)," says Eric Knight, CEO of UP Aerospace, Inc. (www.upaerospace.com). "There are millions of 'Family Radio Service' or 'FRS' radios already in use by the public for camping, boating, and hiking, and there are 675,000 licensed ham radio operators in America -- people renown and prepared for emergency communications. The output frequencies of FRS radios are easily received by the radio gear ham radio operators use daily. That's the magic link in this emergency communication strategy."

Knight went on to say, "The best part of a National SOS Radio Network is that it wouldn't require new laws or any new legislation whatsoever. It could go into effect, today. Once the ham radio community is made aware to listen for the public's emergency broadcasts on an FRS frequency, the national network will be up and running. It's as simple as that."

Knight has been a ham radio operator (KB1EHE) for over 30 years. To help spread the word about his idea to fellow hams, he said he plans to approach the Amateur Radio Relay League ("ARRL", www.arrl.org), the national membership association for amateur radio operators. Knight said, "The ARRL is a wonderful organization. They knit the ham radio community into a network that fosters education, technology experimentation, and emergency preparedness and assistance. With a positive word from the ARRL, the National SOS Radio Network could spring to life immediately."

FRS radios don't require an operator license, can be used by anyone of any age, and are available for as little as $14 at all large retailers, such as Wal-Mart. FRS radios can broadcast 2 to 8 miles, depending on terrain. And there are ham radio operators in nearly every community in America. (To see how many ham radio operators are in any city or town, visit www.qrz.com/i/names.html and type in a zip code.)

According to Knight's proposed National SOS Radio Network plan, ham radio operators would rapidly relay the public's emergency needs to local and state authorities -- such as police and fire departments -- as well as to national rescue and relief agencies. As a natural extension of the National SOS Radio Network, all elements of government could also incorporate FRS radios into their communications systems -- for direct, immediate links to the public's emergency situations.


"In times of public crisis, the basic recommendation is for citizens to set their FRS radios on Channel 1 and transmit their emergency needs, and for ham radio operators to tune their receivers to 462.5625 MHz, the frequency that corresponds to FRS Channel 1," said Knight. "Specific operational details will evolve as the National SOS Radio Network gains awareness. To get the ball rolling, we've posted some operational ideas on a Web site we created: www.NationalSOS.com. We look forward to the ARRL's ideas and feedback, too."

"With the simple addition of a low-cost FRS radio to an emergency preparedness kit, a family in distress could literally reach out to the world -- and get the help they need," said Knight. "I can't imagine a more powerful tool that could save so many lives."

"The National SOS Radio Network blends very well with the overall mission of UP Aerospace," Knight added. "It's all about broader public access for a variety of services. We pride ourselves on providing low-cost access to space -- particularly for the nation's college and university students. Likewise, through the National SOS Radio Network, the public can have immediate, life-saving access to emergency and rescue resources. It's truly a public service. We're not looking to profit from it. It feels great to play a role at the grassroots level of America’s communities."


Love it or hate it..... The debate is on.. 

Other views, both pro and con, can be found at:




[Ed. note:  Links disabled for safety and security.  Feel free to copy and paste.]

For reference, FRS Channel 1 is 462.5625 MHz and FRS Channel 3 is 462.6125 MHz.

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